24/7 Assistance across the SW of England +44 7718 966 834
24/7 Assistance across the SW of England +44 7718 966 834
Contact us for maintenance, we can offer impartial advice and service systems against the year that they were installed, issue a comprehensive report and remedial suggestions to achieve compliance or a certificate of conformity.
Fire sprinklers are individually heat-activated and connected to a network of water pipes that lead to your domestic water mains or a tank and pump. When the sprinklers detect heat and gases at the outset of fire, they activate at 68C (154F) mechanically and they deliver water directly to the source of the heat.
Dependant on room size a sprinkler head can operate around 90 seconds after a fire first starts and starts cooling and controlling the fire at source. there are no dodgy switches or keys that could set the system off by mistake.
Cooling the fire at source prevents flashover provides time for you and your family to evacuate your property. Additionally, having a sprinkler in every room reduces the environmental impact and reduces water wastage. Did you know Sprinklers can operate with as little as 30 litres per minute? Unlike a 1" hose jet the fire service would attend with, which delivers over 10 x that volume per minute.
When a fire is detected early enough, it takes very little water to control. Fire sprinklers are effective because they operate automatically, even if you are not at home, by releasing water directly over the source of the fire and sounding the alarm. we can even install auto diallers to notify you when you are on the go and so you could contact the fire service.
Usually activating within 90 seconds of ignition, sprinklers are proven to have a success rate of more than 98% in controlling fires at their source. In 7 out of 10 cases, only 1 sprinkler head needs to be activated to control a fire, provided the sprinklers have been installed and maintained correctly.
Records show that sprinklers are very dependable, with a 14 million to 1 chance of an accidental discharge. that's great odds so be assured you are in safe hands at all times.
Each sprinkler is fitted with a small thermal element (bulb) activated by heat from a fire. To reduce the chance of accidental activation, this is set to operate at no less than 30C above ambient temperature.
No, in fact, in most cases, sprinkler installation comprises around 1 - 2% of new-build construction costs. Installing sprinklers will usually allow more freedom with the design too, reducing construction costs and improving usability.